Friday, May 13, 2011

Doggie Blues!

Nothing much in the way of weaving, spinning or fiber work of any kind is being done in this house. Three weeks ago our sweet cockapoo dog, Maxi, tore his left rear ACL and had to have surgery on his knee. Patrick and I have been his faithful nurses and rehab coaches and we felt things were going quite well. Two weeks after surgery he had his stitches removed and he was beginning to move around pretty well, though still favoring his left leg.

Then last Thursday he slipped in the kitchen and tore the ACL in his right rear knee! He was just a pathetic little creature, basically could not walk at all and absolutely broke your heart. He had a second repair surgery on Wednesday, the 11th and is back home now recuperating again. He is exhausted as I'm sure the surgeries were performed too close together to be optimal for his little body. But he is a trooper and we are confident that he will be back to his sweet old self in no time.

Here he is in happier and healthier times. I should show him this picture and remind him that things will get better! Maxi is eleven years old and is truly a member of the family. All you pet owners out there know exactly how it is, right? They just grab your heart from the beginning.

We have been very preoccupied with this so I will admit that I have been absent from my fiber work (except for a little sock knitting). As Maxi heals and we get back to a normal schedule I will be back at the loom.

And spring should arrive even in Minnesota sooner or later. All the rain and cold has kept us out of the garden. We feel very far behind this year. No veggies in the ground yet! These are last year's lilacs but they give me hope.

Spring will surely find us . . . . . . . . .

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